School Timetables

Auckland Transport school buses are listed here by school. For more detailed timetable information on both school buses and scheduled public transport that travel near your school, please use the Journey Planner.

School bus routes also appear on the AT Mobile app and real time board (displays the school bus route number and Destination as "SCHOOLS").

List of schools

We are currently reviewing the timetables for route 031: Pinehill to Westlake Schools and route 033: Long Bay to Westlake Schools.

You can use the AT Mobile app to see real-time bus arrival information.

Click on the appropriate school for details of dedicated routes to and from that school. You can narrow down the list of schools by entering a filter into the box below.

Your school may provide additional bus services so for more information on school buses, please contact your school directly.

Find out the fare for your journey on your school bus

Bus and train fares are based on the number of zones you travel through, this includes school bus services. You will need to use the Journey Planner to find out the number of zones you travel through on your school bus, make sure you select "School Bus" as a Transport Mode in the "Advanced" settings

Find out more information about how simpler fares work

  1. AA
  2. BB
  3. CC
  4. DD
  5. EE
  6. FF
  7. GG
  8. HH
  9. II
  10. JJ
  11. KK
  12. LL
  13. MM
  14. NN
  15. OO
  16. PP
  17. QQ
  18. RR
  19. SS
  20. TT
  21. UU
  22. VV
  23. WW
  24. XX
  25. YY
  26. ZZ