Marine oil spills Marine oil spills

Pollution and spills

For urgent marine spills in the coastal marine area, including oil, petrol or diesel spills contact the Harbourmaster 24 hour emergency duty officer.

All reported oil spills are investigated. Our strategy is to contain and clean up as much oil as possible, preferably before it reaches the shoreline. The Habourmaster team regularly attend training exercises to ensure familiarity with equipment. A variety of equipment belonging to Maritime New Zealand is housed at Ports of Auckland and maintained by Harbourmaster staff for rapid deployment. If the oil spill is too large to deal with locally, Maritime New Zealand staff and a National Response Team will assist.

Oil spill response strategy

The New Zealand oil spill response strategy is based on a three-tiered system:

  • Tier one - site based 
    For example, a vessel refuelling operation at a marina. Tier 1 sites are required to develop a spill response plan (including having appropriate response equipment) and respond to spills from their site. Auckland Transport audits and approves these plans on a regular basis. No site is allowed to transfer fuel unless it has a current approved plan.
  • Tier two - regional level
    Auckland Transport responds to all marine oil spills, including spills from an unknown source and spills beyond the capability of a tier 1 site.
  • Tier three - national response level
    Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) have developed a National Plan for use in large spills. They become involved in spills that are outside of the capacity of Auckland Transport to respond. MNZ also provide training and equipment to responders in the Auckland Transport team.

Bunkering procedures and notification.

Find out more on the Maritime New Zealand website.

Keep your vessel clean and well maintained. For more information on ways to keep your waterways clean visit Auckland Council website.