Harbourmaster fees & charges Harbourmaster fees & charges

Summary of Harbourmaster fees, charges and payment options. All fees and charges include GST.

Fees and charges

Last updated 1 July 2024

Fixed charges

The annual fee period is from 1 July to 30 June.

Fee type Fee description Fee from 1 July 2024 (including GST)
Swing mooring Standard annual licence fee $355
Pile mooring Standard annual licence fee $1,117
Mud mooring areas Standard annual licence fee $85
Privately owned piles Standard annual licence fee $286.50
Emergency mooring (1-week minimum charge) Standard mooring (weekly charge) $106
  Heavy mooring (weekly charge) $153
Application and transfer for mooring site Transfer / administration fee $74
Personal watercraft registration (one-off fee per watercraft) Registration fee $65.50
Stickers (personal watercraft) Sticker fee $28
Pilotage assessment Assessment fee $304.50
Harbourmaster patrol vessel Hourly charge (includes 2 crew) $447
Harbourmaster barge Hourly charge (includes 2 crew) $527
Annual Navigation & Safety Fee for foreign flagged vessels 40 metres and over LOA anchoring or dynamic positioning in the region’s waters.
Some exemptions apply.
Annual fee (valid for 12 months from date of first anchoring/positioning) $27.87/metre LOA

Hourly rates

The rates below relate to officer hours spent on planning, coordination, liaison and operation of events, and auditing of hire craft.

Description Specialty Hourly rate from 1 July 2024 (including GST)
Harbourmaster / Deputy Harbourmaster All areas $246
Operations Manager / Maritime Officer All areas $234
Skipper / Deckhand / Maritime Assistant All areas $175
Administrator All areas $130

Payment options

Internet banking or in person at a Bank of New Zealand (BNZ) branch 

  • Account: 02 0192 0122888 03
  • Reference: your customer number as stated on your invoice and your name

For more information

Contact the Harbourmaster’s office, c/o Auckland Transport, or phone 09 362 0397