Carpooling & Ridesharing Carpooling & Ridesharing

Carpooling or ride sharing is a great choice for those who can't commute by walking, cycling or public transport. Find and share rides with people who travel to and from the same places.

We all know that it’s important to get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, and that for short trips we are better off to walk or cycle. For some of us, however, driving may be the only practical way of getting from A to B. Yet by making a few simple changes, it's easy to drive more efficiently and sustainably.

Carpooling is a great choice for those who can't commute by walking, cycling or public transport.

By sharing a ride, you'll be spending less on fuel and parking, and you'll even be able to use the T2 and T3 transit lanes. You can save time and money by finding and share rides with people who travel to and from similar places. It's a great way to meet new people while reducing your carbon footprint.

Benefits of carpooling in Auckland

By carpooling, you'll have access to T2 and T3 transit lanes, priority lanes and designated carpool parking.

Find carpooling priority lanes and parks across Auckland (PDF 130KB)