Quality of service evaluation tool for cycle facilities Quality of service evaluation tool for cycle facilities

A practitioner’s guide and tool for evaluating the quality of service of Auckland’s cycle facilities from the perspective of someone on a bike.

First published: December 2016.
See all updates.

About the guide and tool

This guide and spreadsheet-based tool can be used on existing or proposed facilities from a cyclist's perspective. It will help with decision-making on different design options for biking along a particular route enabling us to develop the best possible facility.

The guide and tool can be used to help organise the scoring of facilities and to present a summary of assessment results. The spreadsheet is designed for scoring a single facility design.

Documents for download

Evaluating Quality of Service for Auckland Cycle Facilities - A Practitioner's Guide (PDF 1.5MB, 24 pages).

Auckland Cycle Facility Quality of Service Evaluation Tool (.XLS KB).


31 August 2017

Quality of service evaluation guide and tool for cycle facilities made available online.


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