Asset Management Plans 2012 - 2015 Asset Management Plans 2012 - 2015

Auckland Transport’s Asset Management Plans (AMPs) provide the framework for managing the asset portfolio in the most cost-effective and sustainable manner to meet the levels of service required from the network.

The benefits of AMPs include:

  • Good governance and asset stewardship.
  • Good knowledge of customer and stakeholder requirements.
  • Legislative compliance.
  • Good asset knowledge including the condition and performance required to deliver services.
  • Good knowledge of the risks.
  • Good knowledge of what is required to deliver services in a sustainable manner.
  • The application of asset management principles encourages a holistic, integrated approach to guide where and how finances and resources are allocated.

In order to achieve these objectives, the AMPs provide information on a number of key aspects of the network including:

  • Levels of service being provided by transport services and assets.
  • Growth and demand.
  • Transport asset risks and mitigation methods.
  • Life cycle management strategies of assets.
  • Long-term financial needs required to provide the agreed levels of service.
  • Sustainability and value management.
  • Asset management improvements.

The first ever regional asset management plans of Auckland Transport have been completed in July 2012 covering the planning period of 2012-15.

These AMPs consist of 4 key documents:

Strategic context

Describes, at a strategic level, the purpose of asset management planning and establishes the relationship of asset management planning with other planning functions of Auckland Transport and Auckland Council:


Provides key messages and highlights significant issues from the AMPs: 

Asset Management Plan – Road Network

This is the detailed plan developed for the road network in accordance with the industry best practice: 

Asset Management Plan – Public Transport Network

This is the detailed plan developed for the public transport network in accordance with the industry best practice: