Speed calming measures Speed calming measures

Auckland Transport is planning on installing speed calming measures in your local residential areas.

Proposed speed calming improvements

Speed table

Speed table normal with zebra crossing web

A speed table is a raised section of the road, with ramps on each side, that aims to slow vehicles to a safe speed. The white arrows, and sometimes signage, make drivers aware of the speed table.

Around schools, we will be installing zebra crossings on such speed tables where pedestrian demand is high.

Swedish-style speed table

Speed table swedish web

Swedish-style speed tables are a raised table with only one sharp ramp, which produces a smoother ride for buses. Compared to the normal speed table that has two sharp ramps.

Raised intersection

Illustrated example of a raised intersection

This is essentially a speed table, which covers an entire intersection with ramps at each entry point. The intersection is raised to the level of the footpath, making it easier for vulnerable road users to cross. A vulnerable road user is anyone not in a vehicle.

Speed hump

Illustrated example of a speed hump

Speed humps are shorter and more rounded than speed tables but are also designed to slow vehicle speeds. The white arrows, and sometimes signage, make drivers aware of the speed hump.

Entry signage

Illustrated example of entry signage

This is the first visual cue to drivers who enter the area from main roads, that they are entering a slow speed area and they must proceed with more caution.

Benefits of speed calming measures

The speed calming measures we propose will:

  • help to create a slower speed environment, which is safer for everyone.
  • encourage people to walk, cycle more locally and beyond.
  • reduce vehicle speeds to survivable levels.
  • help to reduce the risk of accidents, serious injuries and deaths.
  • make the streets safer for pedestrians.
  • provide a safer environment for children to cross roads, especially around schools.

Proposed residential areas and locations

Why these locations were selected

Our road safety engineers have selected the type and location of each proposed safety measure based on various criteria:

  • Best practice guidelines for positioning speed calming measures to reduce speeds in residential areas.
  • Proximity to schools or other locations where there is a higher number of people walking or people on bikes.
  • Whether or not a road is a bus route.
  • Space available between driveways and/or bus stops.