Onewa Road - Clearway changes Onewa Road - Clearway changes

In response to local feedback, Auckland Transport (AT) propose new clearway options along Onewa Road which may offer improved traffic flow.

Project status: Consultation - feedback closed 13 December 2020.
Project zone: North

Proposal outcome

In December 2020, we asked for feedback on four different options relating to the clearway on Onewa Road. The consultation followed a petition from an elected member who asked us to investigate clearway options along Onewa Road. The aim of the proposal was to explore options to improve traffic flow outside of peak hours by removing parking on Onewa Road and extending the clearway hours.

We wish to thank you for your patience, there have been several delays to releasing the outcome of our investigation into clearway options. This was due to undertaking further investigation to provide a solution that reduces congestion and also addresses some of the safety issues raised.

After fully assessing the consultation feedback, network performance data, and undertaking a full safety impact analysis, we have decided not to proceed with the proposed works. Based on our investigation and analysis, it has been determined that a full-time clearway does not currently provide any significant measurable benefits for road users and may create additional safety hazards, especially for especially for pedestrians and cyclists.  

It is important to note that while the clearway proposal is not proceeding currently, a full-time clearway may be introduced in future when the entire road corridor can be reassessed for full safety and efficiency infrastructure improvements. This could be in the next five years, budget and Local Board priorities permitting.

Download the Onewa Road Clearways Feedback Report (PDF 558KB)

What happens next

To minimise disruption to the traffic flow during off peak times we are proposing to paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) at several pinch points on Onewa Road.

A pinch point is a section of road where traffic congestion is likely to occur due to the road narrowing and causing traffic to slow or stop. The pinch points have been identified along Onewa Road as places where there is a righthand turn for traffic travelling west, resulting in drivers needing to wait in the lane for a break in oncoming traffic to turn. When vehicles park at these locations, it blocks the T3 lane, leaving only one operational lane on Onewa Road, which can be blocked by traffic turning right.

The broken yellow lines will prevent parking at these key locations and help provide the benefits of a clearway, while avoiding the safety issues that a clearway would cause without having the appropriate supporting infrastructure in place.

We will be closely monitoring the performance and effectiveness of the broken yellow lines and collaborating closely with the local board to determine the best solutions for Onewa Road when the entire road corridor can be reassessed for full safety and efficiency infrastructure improvements.

These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.

Project overview

Recent local feedback, including a petition from Northcote’s former local MP Dan Bidois has asked us to investigate some clearway options along Onewa Road.

The proposal aims to improve traffic flow outside of peak hours by removing parking on Onewa Road, by extending the clearway hours.

We have assessed the advantages of extending the clearway hours and have determined that it will offer little benefit to commuters at the expense of parking. However, given the strong support through the local MP petition, we are happy to consider it. We would first like to know your thoughts on this before considering any changes.

We are asking feedback on whether we keep clearway hours the same, extend the clearway to no parking at all times, extend the clearway to cover 7am to 7pm on weekdays, or extend the clearway to cover 7am to 7pm everyday.

With each option, the T3 lanes would remain unaffected with no change to operational hours.


  • 26 November 2020 - consultation opens.
  • 13 December 2020 - consultation closes.
  • December 2020 – March 2021 - Public feedback considered and report published.

Project details

We have heard concerns that parking along Onewa Road could be causing travel delays as vehicles have to move into the next lane to avoid parked vehicles. This only occurs off-peak as there are T3 lanes in place during peak hours to improve journeys during the busiest times.

We have looked closely at this and have found there might be marginal time savings if we extend the clearway hours. Travel speeds and congestion levels have mostly been shown to run smoothly out of peak hours however.

We are happy to maintain the current arrangement and would like your feedback on whether you would like us to consider changing this.

The four options we would like your feedback on are:

  • Option 1) Maintain the current parking arrangement on Onewa Road
    • Parking would still be available outside of peak hours when the T3 lanes aren’t operational.
  • Option 2) Extend the Onewa Road clearway to all hours
    • No vehicles would be able to park on Onewa Road at any time.
  • Option 3) Extend the clearway hours to run from 7am to 7pm on weekdays.
    • Vehicles would no longer be able to park on Onewa Road unless it’s after hours or during weekends.
  • Option 4) Extend the clearway hours to run from 7am to 7pm everyday
    • Vehicles would no longer be able to park on Onewa Road unless it is after hours.

Clearway changes to Onewa Road map.

Download the clearway changes to Onewa Road map (PDF 389KB).

For more information on this project

Contact Auckland Transport